ISO 9001:2015 awarded 2021

    Hartridge Certified To The Latest ISO Standard

    At Hartridge we strive for reliability in everything we do and we take pride in our work, making sure everything we produce is of a consistent high quality. 

    In our day-to-day activities we question, challenge, and improve how we do things and what we deliver. We create value for our internal and external customers by using continuous improvement to develop every aspect of our work, from technology development to operational practices and office processes. 

    To assist with meeting our goals Hartridge have been certified to ISO 9001 since February 1994 and we are proud to have transitioned to the latest ISO 9001:2015 standard in March of 2018, and renewed our certification in 2021.

    "The new ISO certification is a fantastic example of our continuous improvement, team work, technological development, & quality that we strive for at Hartridge" Adam Lee, Managing Director

    Click on the image below to view & download the certificate

    Click here for Hartridge certificate
