Each year Hartridge celebrate a week of team work and fun. Excellence Week 2018 runs from 18th-22nd June and we have a busy week ahead!
The aim of Excellence Week is to come together as a team and embody the Hartridge values across a week of activities. This means we are doing a wide variety of team activities, recognition awards, fund raising, and local participation.
Team Competition | Excellence Week
We got of to a great start on the Saturday by taking part in Milton Keynes' first ever Soapbox Derby. The entry fees went to a local hospice charity. Even though we were entered in the 'professional' category because we were a business, it was Hartridge's first ever soapbox derby too. Several members of the team gave up their own time to design, build & race on the day. Other members of Hartridge came to cheer the team along. After a tough first race they pulled it back to place 4th; just missing out on a podium finish by 2 seconds! Amendments to the design for the 2019 race are already being planned.
Kick-Off | Excellence Week
Excellent Week kick off meeting got us off to a great start with many recognition awards to share. We had 6 long service awards from 5 up to 40 years' service to announce. Nominees and winners of the Hartridge Values for Q2. News that in Delphi Technologies' awards, TIER, winner for the EMEA innovation category was won by a Hartridge team member was also announced. We celebrated over 500 days without a lost time accident and set our sights on the company record of over 1500 days.
Hungry Work | Excellence Week
Next up was the Hartridge Bake Off. We are very fortunate at work to have a number of talented cooks so we set a savoury challenge instead of a sweet one. The 9 entries for the Chilli/Curry Bake Off set the bar very high! In the end just one vote was the difference between 1st, 2nd, & 3rd places. Over £50 was raised for our chosen charity for Excellence Week; Medical Detection Dogs.
What's next | Excellence Week
We have some more fund raising & charity events, as well as more team building & food based activities! Follow us on social media to see more photos & updates and you can follow the hashtag #excellenceweek to see Hartridge & Delphi Technologies' efforts for Excellence Week!